The Intentionally Missing Education of Money: (Educate yourself using the video resources shown at the end of this clip) - - - The economy is like a game of Hot Potato. No one wants to be holding the potato when the music stops (meaning no one in power wants the economy to crash on their watch. The powers that be want to push the crash off, no matter what it takes, into the future. The crash is inevitable. The longer it’s pushed off, the larger the crash will be. The same system that is being used now was used back in 2008 when stimulus checks were issued. I remember receiving a check for $800 in the mail from the government. I didn’t know what it was for at the time. But I thought to myself, “Cool $800. Sure I’ll deposit that into my bank.” And I didn’t think much else of it. I now see what was happening. They were trying to keep the economy afloat and keep that game of hot potato from ending badly on their watch. This is the same thing that is happening today, except today it’s on a bigger scale. Today instead of an $800 check, it’s a $1,200 check followed by additional rounds of checks. And the inflation of the money supply due to currency that was printed into thin air back then was nothing compared to the increases made to the currency supply today. It’s all the same technique of kicking the can down the road, except that this time everything is bigger in scale. I see two possible outcomes for the economy, with an eventual crash being a certainty: 1.) The economy keeps getting inflated and money keeps getting doled out, and it “works” (“works” is in quotes there). It “works” in that the economy grinds along, and even though the purchasing power of everyone’s dollars are getting whittled away at a faster-than-ever-before rate, the economy manages to stay afloat for another period of time before finally crashing. It could be another couple of years to a decade before the meltdown finally occurs. 2.) The second outcome is: the game of hot potato finally ends. There is a massive crash and correction for the artificial economy, much like we saw in March of this year, 2020, except much worse. Much like 2008 except much worse. Because remember: the longer the delay in the correction, and the more artificially propped up the economy becomes, the bigger the crash. In scenarios 1 and 2 the outcome is a massive crash and worldwide economy meltdown. The only difference is in timeframe. One scenario pulls off the scam for a little longer, and one scenario the scam grinds to a halt. - Positioning - The answer to both of these scenarios is positioning. The question to ask oneself is: “How am I positioned to weather the inevitable outcome of these two scenarios?” If your money is simply tied up in dollars and derivatives of the dollar, then as time goes on, your money and any savings you might have will reduce in purchasing power. Even though the number of dollars in your bank account remains the same, the amount you can buy with it continues to drop. By having the majority of one’s wealth in alternative, safe haven assets such as bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, gold and silver, one can be economically positioned to be on the right side of the crash: the side that gains or maintains its purchasing power while the purchasing power of the dollar erodes and eventually crashes in what will likely be more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1920’s and 1930’s. When a government prints currency into existence, it’s not creating new wealth. This is a key factor to understand. By creating new currency and increasing the total currency supply, it is merely shifting purchasing power around from those who are not on the receiving end of the newly issues dollars to those who ARE on the receiving end of the newly issued dollars. It’s a way to steal without actually taking anything. The dollars in your bank account remain the same. They just buy less. But the guy (or corporation) that is on the receiving end of the currency generation (also known as “stimulus” or a “bailout” or “quantitative easing”) gets more dollars than you get. Therefore he gets some of YOUR purchasing power. This is best visualized as a pie, where the total pie area represents the purchasing power of the nation or world. Your slice is a piece of this larger pie. [truncated due to YouTube text limit] - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: This video is not financial or investment advice. Do not buy, sell or trade cryptocurrency, or make any financial decisions based on the content of this video. I am merely sharing what I have done and what I would do in various situations as an educational tool only. #bitcoin #btc #crypto #cryptocurrency #news #blockchain #tokens #coins #price CREDIT: Subscribe Button by MrNumber112 https://youtu . be/Fps5vWgKdl0 - - - - - - - - - ⚡ ⚡